- Tap the bag with wheat seeds.
- Wait until the wheat grows.
- Now you can harvest wheat!
- Get some wheat.
- Put it into the oven.
- Wait until the bread is baked.
- Hurry and take the bread out of the oven before it burns!
- Tap the tomato seeds.
- Wait until the tomatoes grow.
- Now you can pick up fresh tomatoes!
Cow Milk
- The cow will produce the milk on its own.
- Once the milk is ready you can serve it to the customer!
- Get some milk.
- Put it into the cheese maker.
- Wait until the cheese is made.
- Now you can give the cheese to the customer!
Chicken Eggs
- Tap the chicken or the seeds near the coop.
- Wait until the eggs are laid.
- Now you can pick up fresh eggs!